

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 嘉兴 海宁市 马桥街道 海宁经编产业园区经都二路18号6层611室
  • 姓名: 安妮
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


    活性染料湿摩擦增进剂 湿摩擦牢度提高剂 面料牢度提高剂

  • 所属行业:纺织 纺织化工助剂 纺织助剂
  • 发布日期:2022-08-30
  • 阅读量:72
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:浙江嘉兴海宁市马桥街道  
  • 关键词:活性染料湿摩擦增进剂,湿摩擦牢度提高剂,面料牢度提

    活性染料湿摩擦增进剂 湿摩擦牢度提高剂 面料牢度提高剂详细内容


    HOLPOSON® Color Keep-Rub

    HOLPOSON® Color Keep-Rub 是本公司开发的湿摩擦牢度提高剂,适用于棉及纤维素纤维采用活性、直接、还原以及硫化染料浸染织物、成衣服装的摩擦牢度提高。尤其适用于黑色、大红色等颜色的牢度提高。


    外 观 淡黄色液体

    离子性 弱阳离子

    PH 酸性

    溶解性 易稀释于冷水中



    HOLPOSON® Color Keep-Rub 20~30g/L

    分散螯合剂 0.5g/L(有助于稳定)

    醋酸调节 pH=5

    加工方法 一浸一轧 轧液率70%, 烘干后焙烘150度*60~90秒

    2. 浸渍法加工工艺

    HOLPOSON® Color Keep-Rub 2~5g/L

    加工方法 30~40度* 5~10 分钟后,脱水,烘干。


    1. 显著提高活性、直接染料、硫化、还原染料染色物的湿摩擦牢度。

    2. 几乎不影响染色物的色光和手感。

    3. 具有良好的稳定性,适用于针织物、成衣浸渍处理。


    1. 请配液浓度需控制在30g/L以下,用冷水稀释溶解,溶解水温不**过35℃。

    2. 处理前的染色物务必充分水洗去除浮色,并中和调节布面 pH 值至中性~弱酸性。

    3. 由于浸染设备不同,加工中工作液会受到不同程度的剪切而影响稳定性,务必实际加工前通过预备试验确保产品稳定性后使用。

    4. 本产品为弱阳离子,也会受到印染加工中使用水的硬度、金属离子、酸、碱、盐等因素而影响其稳定性,务请通过小样试验确认和同浴使用的其它药剂的相容稳定性

    贮 存


    Color Fastness to Wet Friction Promoter for Reactive Dyes

    HOLPOSON® Color Keep-Rub

    Color Keep-Rub is a color fastness to wet friction improver developed by our company. It’s suitable for improving the color fastness to friction of textiles made of cotton and cellulosic fibers, which are dyed with reactive, direct, reductive and sulfurized dyes. It is especially suitable for improving the fastness of black, bright red and other colors.

    Physical & chemical properties:

    Appearance: Light yellow liquid

    Ionicity: Weak cationic

    pH: Acidic

    Solubility: Easily dilutable in cold water


    1. Padding

    Color Keep-Rub: 20~30g/L

    Dispersing chelator: 0.5g/L (for stability)

    Acetic acid adjustment: pH = 5

    Processing method: Dip and roll (liquid content: 70%), bake at 150℃ for 60 - 90 seconds after drying

    2. Impregnation process

    Color Keep-Rub: 2~5g/L

    Processing method: Impregnate at 30-40℃ for 5-10 minutes, dehydrate and dry.


    1. Significantly improves the color fastness to wet friction of materials dyed with reactive, direct, sulfurized and reduced dyes.

    2. It hardly affects the luster and hand feeling of the dyed material.

    3. It has good stability and is suitable for impregnation treatment of knitted fabric and finished garment.


    Please control the concentration of the solution below 30g/L, dilute it with cold water with a temperature of no more than 35 ℃.

    Before treatment, the material must be fully washed to remove flooding, and adjust by neutralization the pH value of fabric surface to neutral - weak acidic.

    Due to different dyeing equipment, the operation stability will be affected by possible shortage of working solution in the process, so it is necessary to ensure the product stability through preliminary tests before use.

    This product is weak cationic, and its stability will be affected by factors like hardness of water used in dyeing, metal ions, acids, alkalis, salts, etc. Please do confirm the product’s compatibility with other agents used in the same bath through sample tests.


    1. Keep indoor

    2. Avoid overheat and severe cold
    欢迎来到海宁赫尔普生新型材料有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省嘉兴海宁市海宁经编产业园区经都二路18号6层611室,联系人是安妮。 主要经营纺织相关产品。 单位注册资金未知。 我公司供应前处理助剂,染色助剂,后整理功能整理剂等,产品质量可靠,价格优惠,可根据客户要求加工生产,欢迎咨询订购!